Dating App

After years of cringing on dating apps (and no doubt being cringed at) I created an app that uses AI and facial recognition to find better matches. Sign up now and be first in for the beta in Spring 2023!

Porn Blocker

The Momsterbator App

There's persistent talk about making laws that force schools, libraries, and other places to install filters to block objectionable websites. The problem is, filters are pretty bad, and not just because kids circumvent them. The bigger issue is that they often block harmless and useful sites as well. To put an end to this problem, I created this smart, yet disturbing, porn blocker app.

JÖLLY wearable

Santa Beard Wearable

Meet Jölly, the wearable Santa beard jolliness tracker. Utilizing adhesive electrodes, Jölly monitors expressions and tracks them on the Jölly mobile app. Users can see their smile metrics appear in real time, informing and encouraging their merriness goals in the new year.



